I hope the last few weeks have been helpful in your spiritual growth and I hope that you like me have learned more about loving the Church that we have and not the one we want. As we continue to examine ways in which we can learn to love the Church that we have I would like to offer three more ideas.
Perhaps one of the reasons why it is so hard to love the Church is because it is so familiar. The phrase “familiarity breeds contempt” comes to mind. When we first get something we see that something as special and unique but over time though it becomes just another part of our lives. Moving into a new house is exciting but the same house will eventually become mundane. Going to a new school can be scary but eventually you get the routine down. I almost wish people would have to change parishes once every five years so that could be shaken out of their complacency. Let us continue looking at our 10 ways to love the Church.
"There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be," — Fulton J. Sheen. It seems like the number of people who hate The Church keeps growing. I pray that Fulton Sheen is right and that they just have to understand what the Church is teaching fully. Here are some more ways in which we can grow more in love with the Catholic Church instead of hoping that she will change something soon. Remember this list comes from my reflection on how to love the Church and my advice I give to engage couples.