Fr. Thomas M. Pastorius January 25, 2015 Spiritual Ponderings Spiritual Randomness
To end this month of Spiritual Ponderings, I would like to share with you an examination of conscience that I developed at the request of a friend. This examination of conscience focuses on our use of social media. If you do not use social media, I am sure that there are still some good things to reflect on.
I. I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before me. 1. Have I treated people, things or activities as being more important than God? 2. Have I spent more time on the internet/phone/etc. then I needed to? 3. Has the use of social media taken away from my prayer time and relationship others? II. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. 1. Have my words or actions put down God, Church, or others? 2. Have I mocked Church leaders, teachings, or fellow Christians openly online? 3. Have I brought scandal to others by drawing undue attention to problems within the Church between people? III. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. 1. Have I attended Mass at the appropriate times? 2. Have I allowed commenting on Facebook, Twitter, or blogging to replace my prayer life? 3. Have I spent too much time on the internet to the neglect of prayer and family time? IV. Honor your father and your mother. 1. Do I show my parents proper respect both offline and online? 2. Do I maintain good communication with my parents or do I hide a lot of my behavior? 3. Do I criticize my parent to others especially online? V. You shall not kill. 1. Have I physically, verbally or emotionally abused someone through anger, gossip, or rumor. 2. Have I destroyed another reputation online? 3. Have I joyfully ridiculed others online and rejoiced in their setbacks? VI. You shall not commit adultery. 1. Have I respected the physical and sexual dignity of other and of myself? 2. Have I used the internet to visit porn sites or engage in sinful conversations about sex? 3. Have I used the internet in such a way that I could be leading others into sin? VII. You shall not steal. 1. Have I taken or wasted time or resources that belonged to others? 2. Have I spent valuable work time on the internet? 3. Have I used the internet to perform any sort of crime? VIII. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 1. Have I gossiped, spread lies, or exaggerated stories in order to hurt another? 2. Have I posted or reposted comments online that I suspect may not be true? 3. Have I used posted false information about myself on social media pages in order to get in appropriate attention? IX. You shall not covet your neighbor’s spouse. 1. Have I given all my relationships the appropriate time and energy? 2. Do I spend too much time online dreaming of a different life than the one I have? 3. Do I fantasize about different people that I have “met” online? X. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. 1. Do I spend time browsing online stores desiring things that I cannot afford leading me to become jealous and angry at those who can? 2. Do I spend too much money online? 3. Am I giving an appropriate amount of my income to charity?