Fr. Thomas M. Pastorius April 23, 2017 Spiritual Ponderings Devotions to the 7 Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph
“He was chosen by the eternal Father as the trustworthy guardian and protector of his greatest treasures, namely, his divine Son and Mary, Joseph’s wife. He carried out this vocation with complete fidelity until at last God called him, saying: ‘Good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord.’” -- St. Bernardine of Siena: Let us continue to look at St. Joseph as we examine St. Joseph’s Seven Sorrows.
Sorrow #6. The return from Egypt (Matthew 2:22) Of all the Scripture passages listed as sorrows, I find this one the most interesting. I am guessing this is considered a sorrow for one of three reasons. The first reason is that St. Joseph finally heard about death of the holy innocence as he returned to Israel. Upon hearing about the children’s death, I am sure there was sorrow over the death of so many and over the culture of death that had allowed so many to die was alive in his homeland. Sadly, the culture of death is alive in our world today. As I think about the Holy Innocence and Herod, I cannot help but think the culture of death feeds on fear. How many children died because Herod was afraid to lose his throne. In my work with Project Rachel, I have learned from post-abortive women that fear played a major role in their decision. Therefore, when we talk about being pro-life we need to make sure that we are creating safe environments for people who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies. We must help them know that they are still loved by God and by us.
The second reason this event in Saint Joseph’s life might be considered a sorrow because he realizes that there will always be bad people out there wanting to hurt his family. Mothers and Fathers always want to protect the children and the realization that they are not always going to be able to be there is scary. Saint Joseph’s dream of being a simple carpenter seemed to be over with. He would always have to be on guard against those who would want to harm his family. While we do not want to live in fear of others, we do need to help realize that there are people and spirits who do not desire our good. This is why it is important for us to remain close to God and to seek out His will.
The third and final reason why Joseph might be feeling sad is that he seems to have failed to not make Jesus’ live any better. Parents always hope their children will live a better life than they did but here Jesus was going to be raised in this backwater town. I do think that Saint Joseph must have eventually realized that he had given Jesus what he needed most and that was his presence. It is a great sign of love and respect that Jesus chose the word “Abba”
One last thought about this sorrow. There is sometimes a sorrow that accompanies daily life. I think this sorry is best expressed by the phrase “familiarity breathes contempt.” This simply means that more you have or know something the less special it becomes. Daily life in family life requires us to remind ourselves constantly that our family is a gift from God.
PRAYER TO SAINT JOSEPH IN TIME OF DISTRESS We come to you, O blessed Joseph, in our distress. Having sought the aid of your most blessed spouse, we now confidently implore your assistance also. We humbly beg that, mindful of the affection which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and of the fatherly love with which you cherished the Child Jesus, you will lovingly watch over the heritage which Jesus Christ purchased with His blood, and by your powerful intercession help us in our urgent need. Prudent guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen people of Jesus Christ; drive far from us, most loving father, all error and corrupting sin. From your place in heaven, most powerful protector, graciously come to our aid in this conflict with the powers of darkness, and as of old you delivered the Child Jesus from danger of death, so now defend the holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Extend to each one of us your continual protection, that, led on by your example, and borne up by your strength, we may be able to live and die in holiness and obtain everlasting happiness in heaven. Amen.