Fr. Thomas M. Pastorius
October 19, 2014
Spiritual Ponderings
Images of Blessed Virgin Mary
As we continue to learn more about God by exploring Jesus’ relationship with His mother let us once again reflect on a different image of Mary.
The third image I would like to look at is called Our Lady of Garden from Genoa, Italy. For help in our exploration we will be using The Other Faces of Mary: Stories, Devotions, and Pictures of the Holy Virgin Around the World by Ann Ball.
The image of Mary known as “Our Lady of the Garden” actually does not depict the Blessed Virgin Mary in a garden. The painting receives its name from the location the painting originally hung – a small garden (City Park) in Genoa, Italy.
Maria de Quercio made a vow to God that if her family escaped the cholera epidemic she would create an outward shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude. As part of the shrine, she had a painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary commissioned by Renaissance painter Benedict Borzone. The image became a place where people came to pray for healing during a horrible epidemics.
The image in a special way depicts the last petition of the Hail Mary: “Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of death,” because Mary’s hand is directing the Christ child’s hand in making the Sign of the Cross (or in other words in blessing the city).
“When the Divine enters into the human, then the souls thinks less of asking than of loving Him. The lover seeks no favors from the beloved; Mary has no petitions but only praise. As the souls becomes detached from things and is conscious of itself and of its destiny, it knows itself only in God” – Fulton Sheen