Film Name | Number |
Avengers | 25 |
A-Team | 18 |
Big Hero Six | 39 |
Bolt | 12 |
Bourne Identity | 20 |
Bourne Legacy | 31 |
Bruce Almighty | 03 |
Captain America: The First Avenger | 21 |
Captain America: Winter Soldier | 2 |
Captain America: Civil War | 45 |
Daredevil (Netflix) | 44 |
Despicable Me | 16 |
Despicable Me 2 | 30 |
El Dorado | 32 |
Enchanted | 07 |
Fighter, The | 17 |
Frozen | 33 |
G.I. Joe Retaliation | 34 |
Grand Torino | 13 |
Going My Way | 38 |
Hunger Games | 27 |
Jungle Book (Live Action) | 48 |
Kung Fu Panda 3 | 49 |
Lego Movie | 37 |
Minion Movie | 42 |
Over the Hedge | 04 |
Peanut Movie, The | 40 |
Robe, The | 29 |
Rogue One: A Star Wars Movie | 46 |
Scarlet and the Black | 35 |
Spider-Man | 02 |
Shrek III: Shrek the Third | 06 |
Shrek IV: Shrek the Fourth | 19 |
Star Trek | 09 |
Star Wars | 05 |
Star Wars: The Force Awakens | 41 |
Suicide Squad | 47 |
Transformers I | 08 |
Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen | 14 |
Transformers III: Darkside of the Moon | 22 |
Transformers IV: Age of Extinction | 43 |
Thor | 28 |
Wall-E | 11 |
Watchmen | 15 |
Way, The | 23 |
X-Men | 01 |
X-Men: Wolverine Origin | 10 |
Yogi | 24 |
Zero Dark Thirty | 26 |