The “Exploring the Gospels” Chapter provides an active and engaging way to invite people of all ages to pray and think about the Gospel passage for the upcoming Sunday. Following this repeatable pattern will allow people to grow in their faith, come to know more about Sacred Scripture, and deepen their personal relationship with God.
Creating the Environment:
When working with youth, it is sometimes good to prepare a suitable environment. While this prayer format works best in a semi-formal situation. People lounging around are usually a little distracting but a tight rigid posture can also hamper the process. Try to strive for some middle ground by having everyone sit in a circle with a small table in the center. On the table you may wish to place a candle and a crucifix.
Opening Song:
Music can be a great way to transition from the secular to the spiritual. Begin your time together therefore with a modern Christian praise and worship song. If you have a musician awesome if not a cd player or IPod will do.
Reading the Gospel:
Ask for a volunteer to read the Gospel. After that person has read the Gospel out loud to everyone ask for another volunteer and repeat. It is good to hear the Gospel twice. If it is a coed group, try using one male voice and one female voice.
Prayer Questions:
Next begin a conversation over the Gospel passage. You may find the group has a lot to talk about or that you need help in getting it going. Some good question to get you started:
1. Name something that strikes you about the Gospel passage we just read.
2. Can you identify with the characters in today’s passage? If so who and why?
3. Can you give a modern day example of this passage or teaching?
4. What does this passage tell us about Jesus? About God? About God’s plan of salvation?
5. If you had to explain today’s Gospel to someone, how would you do it?
6. Why do you think that this passage made it into Mathew/Mark/Luke/John’s Gospel?
7. What parts of the passage are unclear or confusing?
8. What passage seems contrary or shocking to the normal way human beings act and think?
9. What things in your life do you feel called to change or do after hearing this passage?
10. How does this passage make you feel?
Prayers of Petition:
Toward the end of your time together ask everyone to hold hands and go around the circle with each person offering a petition out loud. Once everyone has offered a petition conclude with an Our Father, Hail Mary, and a Glory Be.
Depending upon your groups need, you may encourage one of the group members to prepare the reflection questions and to lead the group.